“Mint It” is an exhibition organized and curated by Aeon Studio, in which NFT communities and artists who spearheaded NFT art in Korea during its conception come together with key figures from the global crypto art tribe. The exhibition is largely participatory, with even visitors being elevated to become a part of the exhibition itself.
Project type Exhibition
Date Dec 2023
Artists UTTERMELON, KIOR, NSYME, LEONE CAVE, VOLO, NAKTA, YAKA, Y, Regina KIM, Tocotoco, SUNGSU, Keepkwan, Bosul KIM, Larry Hopewell, glbkst, Kim00, Morph_VGArt, Adriano C, iGBA, Speakingtomato, Visithra Manikam, we4vingw0rlds, mazi saeidi, Felipe Ferrara, MarieNara, Emmy Walka, El Ogiso, SUIMA, Duriduri, Javier Aparicio Frago, YAYO, Open Plains Studios, SONYA LEE, HuHu, Riotn, Mebbit, __Kiwa, Juzo, Danitta Push, SViana, Eka Lestienne, Szé, Will A.K, Doan K, Ibraheem Leone, Emaweird, No hygiene, LinaLee, JBR, tvorchaferma_art, JoyDy, Nabynuna, oh_x_d, YUNFUL, gamzika, Mariela Di Nardo, M.A.L, mu_ove, Piano cake, pariis, WhyR, MindsoulMeditations, Violet Bond, Jei Park, CÁDIZ, MetaverseJEJAKSA, hyunu Jung, Simone Behrsing
Location Uncommon Gallery
Curated By Aeon Studio
Partners, Korea NFT (클하NFT), Rhythmical NFT Club, F.E.W.K., NiftyKit
Sponsors Art de Finance